The person applying for the identity card must always be present in person when an application is submitted at a police licence services point. This applies when an electronic application requires a visit to a police licence services point for identification purposes and when the entire application is made at a police licence services point.
The first pilot phase of the Portuguese ID Card also known as Cartão de Cidadão started February 14, 2007, in the Azores region. The full roll-out started in 2008.
In 2014, all Portuguese citizens have their new national identity card in hand replacing the old paper-based document.
​The goal of issuing a Portuguese ID Card was to revolutionize the way in which Portuguese citizens interact with the government.
UK ID Card apply using UK ID Card’s paperless, online application system to manage your application using your online account and s0ave time and money by avoiding the need to print forms, take photos at a photo booth or post anything to us.
German ID Card Application can only be submitted in person at the assigned appointment time. German ID Card are printed at the Federal Printing Office in Berlin. Please expect a processing time of 4-6 weeks.
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